Let´s talk about Sensitivity Reading

Any type of written content can be reviewed by a Sensitivity Reader: Speech, internal communication, presentation, pitch, marketing campaign and more.

Sensitivity reading is the process of reviewing any piece of writing to assess how accurately and respectfully certain aspects of identity, culture, experience or representation are portrayed.

For example, if a book includes characters from a particular ethnic or cultural background, a sensitivity reader will review the text to ensure that the portrayal is authentic and free from stereotypes or harmful misrepresentation. Similarly, sensitivity readers can assess how issues such as gender, sexuality, disability, mental health or other sensitive topics are dealt with in a piece of writing.

The aim of sensitivity reading is to help writers and creators avoid unintentional bias or offensive portrayal, and to ensure that different perspectives are accurately and respectfully represented in their work. It can be a valuable step in the editorial process, especially for writers who are writing from outside their own experience or identity.

Contact me to find out more about inclusive communication and sensitivity reading.


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